The Military Mode-S page

Just as a reference, this is the code which drives my Mode-S page:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
   // initialize variables
   $BSFILE = 'files/basestation_light.sqb';
   $FLAGSFILE = 'files/bsflags-mil_web.txt';
   $FLAGSFOLDER = 'flags';
   $GROUNDSTATION = "'<your sharer code>'";
   $LOGDIR = 'logs';
   $LOOKUP = '';
   $POSITION = '<your position>';
   $RADIUS = '<your reception radius>';
   // fill flags array
   $FLAGS = array();
      $FLAGS[] = explode(' ', $LINE, 3);
   // connect to basestation database
   $BSDB = new PDO('sqlite:' . $BSFILE);
<html xmlns="">
   <title>Military Mode-S logs - Ground Station '<?php echo $GROUNDSTATION ?>'</title>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="modeslogs.css">
<div class="section" id="header_section">
   <form action="?" method="post" id="header_form">
   <div id="selectlog">
      <label for="date_select">Select log date:</label>
      <select name="date_select" onchange="header_form.submit();">
         // fill dropdown box with available dates
         foreach(array_reverse(glob($LOGDIR . '/pp_report20??????00.sqb')) as $LOGFILE) {
            $DATE = substr($LOGFILE, -14, 8);
            echo '<option value="' . $LOGFILE . '"';'>' . date('D d-m-Y', strtotime($DATE));
            if (isset($_POST['date_select'])) {
               if ($_POST['date_select'] == $LOGFILE) {
                  echo ' selected="selected"';
                  $SELECTED = $LOGFILE;
            echo '>' . date(' D d-m-Y ', strtotime($DATE)) . '</option>' . PHP_EOL;
   </div><!-- #selectlog -->
   <span>Military Mode-S logs</span>
   <div class="buttons">
      <button type="button" onclick="header_form.submit();">Refresh</button>
   </div><!-- .buttons -->
</div><!-- #header_section -->
<div class="section" id="display_section">
      // for the initial page view, selected is todays log file
      if (!isset($SELECTED)) $SELECTED = $LOGDIR . '/pp_report'. date('Ymd') . '00.sqb';
      // log date
      echo '<div id="logdate">' . date('l d-m-Y', strtotime(substr($SELECTED, -14, 8))) . '</div>';
      // connect to log database and fetch all rows
      $LOGDB = new PDO('sqlite:' . $SELECTED);
      $QUERY = $LOGDB->query("SELECT * FROM PPreport ORDER BY firsttime");
         <th>UTC time</th>
         <th>ICAO Hex</th>
         // display all rows
         $LOGROWCLASS = '';
         foreach($LOGRESULT as $LOGROW) {
            // get relevant data from basestation database
            $FLIGHTID = explode(';', $LOGROW['flightid']);
            $SQLSTR = "SELECT ModeSCountry, Manufacturer, [Type] FROM Aircraft WHERE ModeS = '" . $FLIGHTID[0] . "'";
            $QUERY = $BSDB->query($SQLSTR);
            $BSRESULT = $QUERY->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
            // flag image and text
            foreach($FLAGS as $FLAG) {
               if ((castHex($FLIGHTID[0]) >= castHex($FLAG[0])) && (castHex($FLIGHTID[0]) <= castHex($FLAG[1]))) break;
            $COUNTRY = explode('.', $FLAG[2], 2);
            $COUNTRY[0] = str_replace(array($FLAGSFOLDER, '_'), array('', ' '), $COUNTRY[0]);
            if ((strtolower(substr($BSRESULT['ModeSCountry'], -3))) == 'mil') {
               $FLAG[2] = str_replace('.', '_Mil.', $FLAG[2]);
               $COUNTRY[0] .= ' (mil)';
            // display row
            $LOGROWCLASS = ($LOGROWCLASS == 'odd') ? 'even' : 'odd';
            echo '<tr class="' . $LOGROWCLASS . '">' . PHP_EOL . '<td id="flag">';
            echo '<img src="' . $FLAG[2] . '" title=" ' . $COUNTRY[0] . ' "></td>' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<td id="space">&nbsp;</td>' . PHP_EOL . '<td>' . $FLIGHTID[1] . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<td title=" find \'' . regFormat($FLIGHTID[2]) . '\' on "><a href="' . $LOOKUP;
            echo 'regsearch=' . regFormat($FLIGHTID[2]) . '" target="_blank">' . $FLIGHTID[2] . '</a></td>' . PHP_EOL;
            if ($BSRESULT['Type'] != '') {
               echo '<td title=" ' . trim($BSRESULT['Manufacturer']) . ' ' . $BSRESULT['Type'] . '  (ICAO: ';
               echo $LOGROW['type'] . ') ">' . $BSRESULT['Type'] . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
            } else {
               echo '<td>' . $LOGROW['type'] . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<td title=" GMT+' . (1 + date('I')) . ':   ' . date('H:i:s', $LOGROW['firsttime']) . ' &rarr; ';
            echo date('H:i:s', $LOGROW['lasttime']) . ' ">' . gmdate('H:i:s', $LOGROW['firsttime']) . ' &rarr; ';
            echo gmdate('H:i:s', $LOGROW['lasttime']) . '</td>' . PHP_EOL . '<td>' . $FLIGHTID[0] . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
            echo '<td>' . $LOGROW['firstsquawk'];
            if ($LOGROW['firstsquawk'] != $LOGROW['lastsquawk']) echo ' &rarr; ' . $LOGROW['lastsquawk'];
            echo '</td>' . PHP_EOL . '<td>' . $LOGROW['firstalt'];
            if ($LOGROW['firstalt'] != $LOGROW['lastalt']) echo ' &rarr; ' . $LOGROW['lastalt'];
            echo '</td>' . PHP_EOL . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
</div><!-- #display_section -->
<div class="section" id="footer_section">
   <form action="#footer_section" method="post" id="footer_form">
   <div id="footer_copyright">&copy;</div>
      if (substr($SELECTED, -14, 8) == gmdate('Ymd')) {
         echo '<div class="buttons">';
         echo '<button type="button" onclick="footer_form.submit();">Refresh</button></div>' . PHP_EOL;
   <div id="footer_text">
      PlanePlotter Ground Station. Sharer id <?php echo $GROUNDSTATION ?>
      approximate position: <?php echo $POSITION ?>
      usual log radius: about <?php echo $RADIUS ?> miles
   </div><!-- #footer_text -->
</div><!-- #footer_section -->
   // cast hexadecimal
   function castHex($STR) {
      return '0x' . $STR;
   // format registrations
   function regFormat($STR) {
      return str_replace(array('+', 'LXN904'),
                         array('' , 'LX-N904'),